Step 0: we want
to run the following command in shell window(step 2).
Backup-SPSite -Identity "site collection url" -Path "bak file location"
Backup-SPSite -Identity "http://SITENAME/sites/ab" -Path "C:/AB.bak"
Step 1: we want
to create the site collection in the following way;
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Products 2010 à
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Create Site Collections à
Choose web Application Port(80), Enter
title, choose(/sites/) and enter web site address and then choose the template
selection(Team Site).
Step 2: we want
to open the Shell window in the following way;
Start à All Programs à Microsoft Office SharePoint
Products 2010 à SharePoint
2010 Management Shell (Run as administrator).
Step 3: Restore
the existing site collection to new site collection using the following command;
Restore-SPSite –identity "site
collection url" -Path "bak file with
location" –force
The above command copy & paste in shell window (step 2)
and then enter.
–identity "http://SITENAME/sites/ab" -Path "D:/AB.bak"
Step 4: If we want
to deploy the first time (wsp file), follow the step 5.1 otherwise (next time)
follow the step 5.2.
Step 5: 1. We want to keep the wsp file in
server location then following command copy & paste in shell window (step 2)
and then enter one by one.
People Leader web part
i. Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "wsp file location"
ii. Install-SPSolution -Identity wsp file name -WebApplication site
url –GACDeployment
Individual Contributor web part
i. Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath " wsp file location "
ii. Install-SPSolution -Identity wsp file name -WebApplication site
url –GACDeployment
People Leader web part
i. Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath
ii. Install-SPSolution -Identity ABC.wsp -WebApplication http://SITENAME/ –GACDeployment
Individual Contributor web part
i. Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath
ii. Install-SPSolution -Identity DEF.wsp -WebApplication http://SITENAME/ –GACDeployment
Step 5: 2. We want to do the following things;
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SharePoint 2010 Central Administration à
System Settings à
Manage Farm Solutions
It is showing the list of wsp files, we want to click our
required wsp file then click “Retract Solution” after that we will wait until
the status change from deployed to not deployed. There after we want to click
the same wsp file then click “Remove Solution” after that we will wait until
the file removed.
Then follow the step 5.1.
Step 6: We want
to Add or Modify the item(new site collection url) in Site URL List.
Step 7: Finished.